Is Vandy Vape Requiem BF Kit Worth Buying?

This time I’m gonna introduce the Vandy Vape Requiem BF Kit. If you like squonk devices, then this is no doubt worth a shot. Here are more details.

The Vandy Vape Requiem BF Kit is a new squonk device which definitely has a “high end” look about it! The kit consists of the Requiem BF Mod and the BF Requiem RDA. There isn’t much info on the actual RDA but it is different from the original Requiem RDA not only in appearance… The original Requiem had 3 different top caps which altered how the incoming airflow could be adjusted. The BF version does come with 2 different top caps but I am not sure if these are only different in appearance or do they offer different airflow intakes? Also, no mention if the airflow is adjustable – it does look like it should be? The deck is for a single coil setup with 2 clamp screws.

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The mod is fully a mechanical mod – basically there is no chip to regulate the output or provide safety functions. It uses a single 18650 battery which is not supplied. As this is a mech mod there is no USB port – you remove the battery to charge in a suitable charger. Inside the mod there is a 6ml squonk bottle (also a spare is included in the kit) and the bottle has 3 refill methods – you can even refill with the bottle installed. So this should mean a lot less mess instead of having to remove the bottle to fill. A lock system is included to prevent accidental firing. Also, the 510 connector can be adjusted by turning the retaining collar underneath. The side panel is removable and another marketing feature is that you can mix and match components and customize the mod, squonk bottle, and RDA.

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